10 ways to reduce mobile data usage on Android phones

How to reduce mobile data usage on Android phones is one of the tip any Android phone user will need to know.  As it will help you save your data and resources from wasting. There are many apps which are constantly draining our data without our knowledge. Some apps may be running in the background  while some are auto updating without us knowing. 10 steps to reduce mobile data usage on Android phones inorder to conserve your data.

We are aware that some apps are using data but not knowing they are using more than you expected. It is better to always check data usage to know which apps are consuming your data. In this content 10 ways to reduce mobile data usage on Android phones will help you know how to preserve your data.

You can follow this tips to reduce your data usage on Android phones. Do you know that if you chrome for all your browsing activities will save you 30 to 35 percent of your data. The data saver option compresses web pages before loading them. This will show you 10 ways to reduce mobile data usage on Android phones.


Using data saver is a bit delaying, but it worth it as it helps your data last longer. To activate the data saver option. Just tsp the three dots at the right hand corner of your chrome browser,go down to settings then data saver.

10 ways to reduce mobile data usage on Android phones
10 ways to reduce mobile data usage on Android phones

Use opera video compressor 


Opera mini now have a very good video data compressing option which enable you to watch videos without wasting your data. To use it just download the opera mini app or if you have the app already. Go to settings =then data saving = and tick the box that says video compressor.

Ditch some social apps 

We all know that some social media apps are the major consumer of mobile data. It is pretty well known among android users that Facebook and Tiktok is one of the major consumer of mobile data, not to mention it’s high resources and battery drain. So why not replace them with something economical and less demanding.


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