How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023

How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023

Do you know that your BVN number contains all your banking details, so must be kept out of others’ reach? It has been advised not to share your BVN number with anybody even some bank staff.

This post on How to check BVN on airtel in 2023,  covers how to check your BVN on all networks and other related content.

Don’t rush over it read it gently and learn How to check BVN on airtel in 2023.

Here is an alternative to saving your BVN on your phone contact list, which might accidentally be exposed one day. So instead of saving it on your phone’s contact, here is a complete guide on How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023

As the need for online transactions increased the government introduced a biometric identification system to curb fraudulent and illegal banking transactions in Nigeria.

How to check bvn on airtel
How to check in on airtel in 2023

        What is BVN

To anyone who has an account with any bank in Nigeria, you must have heard of BVN numbers and what it does. To some who don’t know, no need to worry just sit tight and read this post on How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023.

BVN means Bank Verification Numbers, it is an 11-digit that is linked to all your banks and subsequently to all your bank transactions. Just know that. Like a mobile number, the BVN is unique that means is different from that of another person.

BVN is just like your identity in the banking system, it is used to check your transactions across various banks. Those that have different bank accounts in different banks are asked to link their BVN numbers to all the accounts.

It is compulsory to have a BVN number in Nigeria, as far as you own a bank account in Nigeria. That is why all banks in Nigeria request your BVN before opening an account with them. No need to lose hope you can check yours on airtel with the help of this post How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023.

How to check BVN on Airtel
How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023

How to get your BVN number

Know that the BVN number is not something you can generate by yourself. You need to go to the bank before you can get your BVN.

Here is a simple step on how to get your BVN:

  • Visit your bank with a valid identity card ( it could be a voters card, driving licence, or even your NIN) you will be given a BVN enrolment form
  • Fill out the form and get your biometric captured. Never worry the bank has all the tools to take your biometrics which includes, a headshot photograph and your fingerprint.
  • Once you are done you will get a ticket identity
  • Once you are done you will receive your BVN a few days after the day, but it won’t take long.

Some banks now allow a digital process where you can request and fill out the form online. You still need to go to the bank to get your  BVN linked to your bank account.

Benefits of having a BVN

As a bank account owner, it is mandatory to have a BVN number, if not you can’t be able to run your account properly. Here are the benefits of having a BVN.

How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023
How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023
  • A BVN number helps protect your account from any unauthorised access.
  • BVN aids faster bank transactions
  • BVN reduces cyber fraud
  • It helps identify all your bank accounts
  • It helps improves the efficiency of the banking system
  • Finally, with a BVN it is much easier to track all of your transactions.

USSD code for checking BVN on all network

There is a special code that can be used to check your BVN on all networks. Dial *565*0#on any mobile network and your BVN will be displayed on your screen.

Can I check my BVN using my bank app

Yes, you can check your BVN using your bank app, to do that you must have a bank account with any Nigerian bank and have already gotten your NIN from your bank to access the BVN.

Log into your bank app and search for an option in the menu that will direct you to your BVN. Just simple, in case it fails to show up contact your bank to help you do it

How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023

It’s no big deal to check your BVN on airtel, it’s simple and fast, Airtel will charge you an N20 for this.

To check your BVN on airtel dial *565*0# and your BVN will be displayed on your phone screen. Be careful don’t share it with anyone.

How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023
How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023

How to check BVN on 9mobile 

As a 9mobile subscriber, you can still check your BVN with ease, without even involving any third party. All you should do is dial *565*0#, then wait for a prompt message with your BVN number.

Your BVN will be displayed on your screen, this network also charges you N20. So before you do check your BVN make sure you have at least N50 airtime balance.

How to check BVN on GLO

Checking your BVN kn Glo does not require much, just like any other network in Nigeria. You can check your BVN on Glo by dialling *565*0#.

Your BVN will be displayed on your phone screen, be ready to part ways with at least N20 from your Airtime account.

How to check BVN on MTN

As one of the largest network providers in Nigeria, MTN also allows its users to check their BVN. To check your BVN on MTN is quite easy like the other networks. Dial *565*0# and your11-digit BVN will be displayed on your screen.

Since it is a premium service you will be charged N20 to check your BVN on MTN.

You can save yourself more stress by saving your BVN somewhere out of people’s reach. This will help you to always save some N20 every time you need your BVN number.

How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023
How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023

Also, read How to block lost Simcard in Nigeria

How to check your BVN online

This post is not all about how to check your BVN on Airtel in 2023, it also covers how to check your BVN online.

To check your BVN online you must have an account with any of the commercial banks in Nigeria. Secondly, you also must have gotten your BVN from your banks.

To check your BVN online, log into your bank app and click on your menu options to check your BVN. Also, know that this method varies from bank to bank. So be careful while doing this.

Note that no website can help you check your BVN at the moment, any websites promising you that are only trying to dupe you so be careful.


You now know how to check your BVN kn airtel in 2023, you can now check your BVN all by yourself without involving any third party, which is now good.

Also know that your BVN must not be shared with anybody, no matter what. Cause if you do you are at risk of losing your money.

Thanks for reading this post on how to check your BVn on airtel in 2023

How to check BVN on airtel in 2023
How to check BVN on airtel in 2023

That’s all for now on How to check BVN on airtel in 2023





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2 thoughts on “How to check BVN on Airtel in 2023”
  1. I missed sim card that I used to open bank verification number and I never collect it

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