5 ways technology can develop nigeria

5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

The future of Nigeria will take great shape once we embrace technological advancement in our country. As the importance of technology can not be underestimated in this country, we ought to step up our technology game.

The world is turning into a global village, as you can now switch with your voice, artificial intelligence quantum computing and also other amazing new tech development. You name them, Nigeria as a country should not be left out in this present days revolution.

Here in this post are the 5 ways technology can develop Nigeria, both in our healthcare, economy, schools, and even welfare sectors.

In this era, most nations’ improvement is based on technological increase and improvement. It is obvious that nations that force the improvement of new technology, emerge as international leaders.

The economies at the top, are the world chief in technological innovations. These countries take gain of technological and scientific advancements and make use of them to address many of the social, economic, and environmental issues confronted by using humanity. If we learn the top 5 ways Technology can develop Nigeria  we can also help boost our nation

As the population of this country is increasing, so also should increase the need for technological advancement. As it will benefit our country in many great ways, such as the health, education, and work sector of our country. It will also help boost our economy and reduce crimes.

However, a lot extra can be achieved with technregardingard regarding Nigeria’s development. There are a wide variety of ways science can make contributions to the growth of the USA and the preferred of living.

5 ways technology can develop nigeria
5 ways technology can develop nigeria

In discussing how technological know-how can propel  Nigeria’s development, it is valuable to note that Nigeria has the intelligence to come to be a leader in the invention and utility of technology.

Below are the ways technology can develop Nigeria, once implemented and the right mindset is used. You will see what the country will be like in the years to come.

1. Job Creation

As humans, we in truth have embraced the digital world, welcoming it with open arms. It in reality has shifted the way that we live, work, and think in a refined way.

Technology, like the development of the Internet, specifically has made accessibility and shareability of information, ideas, and business enterprise transactions plenty sort of less difficult in a simply important way.

5 ways technology can develop nigeria
5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

Technology creates jobs via the provision of digital services and products in all sectors, especially in areas like the information sector and even in some industries.

The boom of technology has helped to partially manage this issue of unemployment. Directly responsible for creating tens of millions of jobs, the ICT area is one of the greatest employers of labourers in the country.

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The ICT sector in Nigeria is currently boosting the Federal Government’s efforts in job creation as an average of 12 million jobs from 2012 to 2020, that’s so cool.

5 ways technology will develop Nigeria
5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

2. Health sector

The impact of technology on the health sector can not be underestimated, as it has helped in saving many lives in the country.

It increases patient safety, decreases medical errors, and strengthens the interplay between sufferers and healthcare providers. Using technology increases company skills and affected persons get entry while improving the best of life for some sufferers and saving the lives of others.

Technology has made healthcare more accurate by providing medical doctors and other clinical professionals with new methods to diagnose and deal with patients. Diagnostic equipment like MRIs and CT scans have helped physicians diagnose ailments with more accuracy than ever before.

Electronic fitness records, diagnostic technologies and robotics are critical clinical improvements that need to be available in all public health facilities/hospitals and are no longer solely attainable in a few personal facilities, or are inaccessible to humans due to the excessive price of services.

5 ways technology can develop Nigeria
5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

3. Education

This is where technology plays a major role, as it has helped the teaching methods of schools in Nigeria. Students are now being taught with many tech gadgets that make learning easier and more interesting.

5 ways technology can develop nigeria
5 ways technology can develop nigeria

In Nigeria, there is nonetheless so an awful lot to be done. In restructuring our schooling system and teaching processes, we need to adapt instructing aids and another tech device that makes learning more conducive and convenient.

Technology has changed the way how education industry works. Earlier, blackboards and books were used to teach but now it’s a completely different method. Students now learn with a projector which replaces the former blackboard and laptops.

How technology has helped the education sector

  • Creating a digital learning platform
  • Digitalization of curriculum
  • Online workshops for teachers
  • Online learning and teaching made easy
  • Technology has made our research easy
5 ways technology can develop nigeria
5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

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4. Economy

The Nigerian economy has been greatly shaped by the technological advancement in the country.

Technological progress allows for the more efficient production of greater and better goods and services, which is what prosperity relies upon. However, the mechanisms through which science is developed, adopted and used in production are complex.

5 ways technology can develop Nigeria
5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

According to reports, The contribution of the Nigerian Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) increased to 20.32 per cent in Q3 2022, the highest in five years.

Technology now contributes more than oil to the Nigerian GDP.

The government of Nigeria (GON) acknowledges ICT as the enabler for growing other vital sectors along with education, healthcare, agriculture and to the economy of the country.

5. Improved communication 

Expanded Communications

From Post office letters to landlines, cellular telephones and then smartphones, communication in Nigeria has evolved over the years to end up less difficult to talk with people anywhere throughout the world.

Our communications have improved a lot, and the way we pass information in the olden days is no longer the way it is.

A principal turning point for conversation was the privatization of the telecom industry throughout the presidency of Olusegun Obasanjo. This opened the door for entities such as MTN, Glo, MTEL, 9Mobile, and Airtel (formerly Econet/V-Mobile/Celtel) to enter the Nigerian telecom space.

In the early 2000s, getting admission to the web was once now not so widespread. The introduction of cellular operators alternatively modified that as it pushed the rapid growth and adoption of the internet in Nigeria.

5 ways technology can develop Nigeria
5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

The net is the most essential catalyst of tech in the twenty-first century. Nigeria currently, there are 198.96 million GSM subscribers in the country. This is greater than 90% of the country’s population. Internet subscribers are about 146.73 million.

In conclusion

These are the 5 ways technology can develop Nigeria, technology can help develop the country if we give it a try.

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All theseabove-listedd sectors if properly equipped with enough technology gadgets will bring great changes and development to the nation.

5 ways technology can develop Nigeria
5 ways technology can develop Nigeria

Information communications technological know-how (ICT) is no longer only an essential enabler of innovation and development it is additionally one of the fastest-growing industries in the ultimate impact. The impact of science is monstrous and can’t be overstatedRevolutionaryry thinking from one man now not only contributes to the development of other users but also creates stipulations permitting people to boost even further.

Once this is implemented you will see the 5 ways technology can develop Nigeria.

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